Wholesome Vibes
Wholesome Vibes by Ruby Dhal
#6 Things to slow down in 2024 (how to make the most of the rest of the year)

#6 Things to slow down in 2024 (how to make the most of the rest of the year)


In the sixth episode of the Wholesome Vibes podcast, I talk about how to make the most of the remainder of the year —and what actions we need to slow down to truly enjoy the last 7 months of this year.

We live in such a busy, fast-paced world where the success of your day is measured by how much you can get done, and for this reason —we forget to be still. To be slow. We forget to appreciate the blessing of taking it one day at a time and truly living in the moment to the make the most of the present. The present is a gift. Literally. And if you’re intrigued —listen to this episode to learn how you can enjoy the present and make the most of the rest of your year.

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Wholesome Vibes
Wholesome Vibes by Ruby Dhal
Bestselling Author talking about healing, self-love, relationships, travelling, books, food, wholesome living etc., and I also update you on my life!