I guess you are using this beautiful platform in a wrong way just to get fame and get your thoughts through the person but that’s wasting our time

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Hi Mahadev,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. As someone who has been reading and appreciating poetry from a wide range of authors for many years, I can't help but feel that the work in question is being driven by a personal agenda.

Dear Ruby,

I hope this message reaches you with the same clarity you seem to expect from others. While you may not know who I am, I believe it’s important to address something that has become increasingly obvious about your work and the contradictions within it.

You often speak about “letting go” and encourage others to walk away from relationships without a second thought, but have you taken a moment to see the damage that kind of advice creates? People are not disposable, and relationships—whether friendships or marriages—are not meant to be abandoned at the first sign of trouble. Your poetry and public statements make it sound like relationships are easy to give up on, but that’s simply irresponsible. Real strength comes from working on relationships, not just walking away from them.

What’s even more troubling is your hypocrisy. You tell others to communicate directly with people they have issues with, yet you use your platform to openly discuss personal matters about your own friends. It’s shameful that someone who preaches honesty and directness would air personal grievances in such a public way, contradicting everything you claim to stand for. How can you advise people to handle things privately when you do the exact opposite?

The real irony here is that while you label others as jealous or incapable of letting go, you’re the one displaying the very traits of a narcissist. You create this narrative where you are always the wise, enlightened one, pushing others to abandon their relationships rather than fostering growth or reconciliation. It’s all about your own image, isn’t it? Projecting yourself as a sage figure while using your influence to shift attention away from your own flaws.

The issue here isn’t jealousy, as you’ve suggested about others. The real narcissism lies in your relentless need to present yourself as perfect, while your advice tears apart the very relationships you claim to understand. The number of friendships and marriages affected by your careless words should make you reflect, but I doubt self-reflection is on your list of priorities.

People who take your advice end up more isolated, and that’s not wisdom—that’s harm disguised as enlightenment. You encourage people to let go, but maybe it’s time for you to stop hiding behind your words and face the damage you’re causing. You’re not the healer you claim to be—you’re the real narcissist in this story.


A Concerned Observer and well wisher of the world.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts Emma.

Whilst I would agree to most of the topics you have highlighted about this podcast. I would like to point out that it's important to recognize diagnosing someone with a condition like narcissism requires professional qualifications, which none of us hold including Ruby Dhal.

Labeling people in this way can be harmful and isn't something we should take lightly. Such negativity has caused people to commit suicide or become traumatised for life.

That being said, while everyone is entitled to their opinions, I feel that spreading negativity or promoting division doesn't contribute positively to the world. Instead of focusing on judgment, wouldn't it be more constructive to promote understanding and encourage working on personal growth, healing, and stronger relationships? This writer has a beautiful platform to share positivity into the world, yet, I see the opposite. Makes me wonder what is going on in this world after all ?

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Thank you for your message, Mahadev.

You raise a very valid and important point about the harm that can come from casually diagnosing people with conditions like narcissism. These labels can have devastating consequences, including deep psychological trauma and even leading some to extreme actions like suicide. When people feel attacked or unfairly judged, especially in such a public way, it can have long-lasting effects on their mental health. We can’t overlook how significant this can be.

I also want to take a moment to apologise for calling her a narcissist earlier. That was not my intention, and I realise how harmful such labels can be. My frustration was more about the hypocrisy on her platform, but labeling anyone that way is unhelpful and I regret using that term.

What is truly shocking is that so many people are consuming and purchasing this type of content, which only perpetuates negativity and encourages separation rather than healing or unity. Writing, especially on a platform that reaches so many, has the potential to inspire, uplift, and bring people together. Unfortunately, it seems like the opposite is happening here. It’s troubling to think about how many relationships may be damaged or lost because of this kind of advice, which promotes detachment and division rather than working through difficulties and fostering growth.

In a world that desperately needs more understanding and compassion, it's disheartening to see such negativity being circulated. It's a reminder of how important it is to be mindful of the messages we spread and the real-world impact they have on people’s lives. This kind of writing risks leading to further separation and emotional damage, and I can’t help but wonder how different things would be if the focus shifted towards bringing more positivity, encouragement, and constructive guidance into people’s lives.

Thank you again for sharing your perspective.

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I love this so much

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This was so apt.

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